Monday, January 18, 2010


First post.

I am an academic. I spend my days and nights working tirelessly to complete my dissertation (okay, maybe not, but you get the point!). This is a 7 day a week job, and although I love my work, we all need a few moments of respite here and there, right?

I take pictures of food. Food that I make, food that I see, food that I eat, food that I want to eat. I have collected hundreds. I do not print these out EVER, and thought this could be a good place to put them and write about what it was about a dish, preparation, or flavor that inspired me to take a picture. I am very lucky to be surrounded by friends and family that also share this joy. In the course of this food photo fest, I have also documented several teaching sessions with parents, grandparents, and friends sharing one or more recipes with me. I am especially excited to get those out in the open. Food serves a larger purpose in my life than merely sustaining my corpus. I use it as a therapy, in much the same way as my yoga practice. Standing in the kitchen for hours on end is truly cathartic for me. Eating a well prepared meal out is just as good for me as a massage.

Lest I sound like a 'foodie' (a term that grates on my nerves like a microplane to the finger), I hope to also discuss my day to day dabbles in : yoga, home improvement, etc. Let's see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. I'll cheerfully sign up as a regular reader! I look forward to your goulash (cringe) of topics and day to day dabbles. This one image of the microplane to the finger is quite ghastly, though. Please, less violence and mayhem. Then again, remember that informercial (you may be too young) of that Chinese chef and his knives--Ginsu was it? Quite a show.
